The fourth of the PIEES (International Platform for Eastern European Studies) workshops was held on April 18, 2020, between 15:00 and 17:00, with the participation of the board members and the secretariat. In the meeting, which the online video conferencing method was used due to the COVID-19 disability, which affected the whole world, it was observed that the platform was integrated into current conditions. The opening speech of the workshop was made by Prof. Dr. Yücel Öztürk on behalf of the PIEES board.
The meeting which distinguished scientists attended lasted approximately 2 hours. The particitates were Prof. Dr. Mustafa Öztürk, Prof. Dr. Azmi Özcan, Prof. Dr. Nuri Kavak, Prof. Dr. Mehmet İnbaşı, Prof. Dr. Yücel Öztürk, Prof. Dr. Behçet Kemal Yeşilbursa, Prof. Dr. Mualla Satellite Yücel, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Tellioğlu, The meeting, which was attended by Prof. Dr. Orhan Kılıç, Assoc. Dr. Serkan Yazıcı, Assoc. Dr. Alper Başer, Assoc. Dr. Murat Öztürk, Assoc. Dr. Serkan Acar, Assoc. Dr. Esra Özsüer and Assit. Prof. Dr. Cihan Yemişçi who are members of the Board of Directors and Organizing Committee.
In the workshop, some decisions were made to continue the work without interruption due to COVID-19:
- Starting the works for the online congress of CIEES 2020, which is planned to be held in September 2020 in cooperation with the University of Bucharest, Romania before the global epidemic, if the borders between countries are not opened and the health conditions are not suitable.
- Organizing “Webinars” on Eastern European Churches in June through remote conference programs
- Publishing of papers to be presented in the Webinar as a editorial books.
- Dedicating the June issue of JIEES, which is published twice a year, to Mikhail Maksim.
- Dedication of each issue to a veteran professor in the journals to be published in the next period.